Monday was such a beautiful day, so we decided to make the most of it. That morning I actually had to work, but Andrew took Hadley and Jake for a jog on the bike trail behind Berryhill Park. Of course they both had a ball. All you have to do in our house is say the word "park" and Jake's day automatically improves 100%. Hadley now stands at the door banging on it and turns around and looks to see if you are aware she's wanting to go outside. After the jog they played a bit at the park and then headed home for Hadley's afternoon nap.
I got home shortly after she woke up. Andrew went to take a load to his parents and Hadley and I headed out to the back yard where there is a playground. (We have 2 weeks to be moved out of our apartment and until we leave for Tulsa we're staying with Andrew's parents.) She ran out to the playground and immediately started going up the steps. Of course we took a few trips down the slide and then took a stroll around the apartments.
After being inside for maybe 2 minutes Hadley was already at the front door wanting to go back out. So we got Jake's leash and went for another walk until Andrew got home. Once he got home we thought it would be fun to go to the batting cages and hit some balls and see what Hadley thought about all that. She was mesmerized. The entire time her eyes were wide open and so was her mouth. When watching the other kids she would run to the fence and point and go, "Ooo, Oooo!" Adorable!!!
What a day...Hadley ate dinner, got a bath, and went to bed. The next morning that wonderful day turned into ALLERGIES!!! Persistent runny nose, dry coughing, sneezing, and of course itchy watery eyes. Hello Spring and hello Benadryl!