Monday, May 9, 2011

Hadley's 2 Years Old!

Two years ago from this past Saturday my sweet little baby girl arrived at 3:30 am, she was 6.10 lbs and 20 in long and I was immediately in love!
My Sweet Hadley Marie,
It didn't take long for you to fill out. You were in the 90% in height after the first month and have never left. Its been so amazing to watch you grow over these past 2 years.

You've always been a quick learner. You were sitting with support at 3 months and sitting completely unassisted by 4. You were crawling by the very beginning of your 6th month and walking by the beginning of your 9th. Running wasn't far behind only to be followed by jumping and galloping.

You have a very full vocabulary and that started pretty early as well. I love the way you say certain words and make them into your own. For example, until you, your daddy's dad was referred to as PJ but you have officially renamed him as "Pajee."

You never do anything half way its always full force and in your face, ha! I love your energy and sometimes wish you'd share some of it with me so I can keep up.

It was hard enough to get my head wrapped around the fact that you were one . . .
and now you're already 2!
Your 2 year appointment was supposed to be today, but because there is so many sick kiddos they wanted to move the well baby checks back, so we won't be able to see how much you've grown till the 27th. =(

I'm adjusting to the change, but right now my biggest issue is with my weekly e-mails from Pamper's and Babycenter. Last week I was getting e-mails about my toddler and this week its my PRESCHOOLER!!!! Apparently 24 months and up is considered a preschooler, I'm not really okay with it.

(Hopefully I'll get her party pictures up soon. I've been having issues getting them on the blog. Keep checking in!)

Thanks for checkin' in!!
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