Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bentley Park and Banana Bread

Yesterday our SAA playgroup met at Bentley park to play at their splash pad.  Not gunna lie this splash pad is legit!!

They also have a nice park area which will be nice after Labor Day when they tun the water off.

The mom's enjoyed getting to relax a bit.

After successfully wearing them out we decided to treat them to Sonic.

When we got home Hadley had an outfit change and we did some baking.  I found the recipe on pinterest and it is super easy.
Mix 3-4 mashed ripe bananas, 1 yellow cake mix, 2 eggs and 3/4c chocolate chips.  (I also added a bit of honey and cinnamon.) Then bake at 350* for 35 minutes.

I made 2 loaf pans, which is good because it is yummy.

When Andrew got home we took some to our neighbor, Gary.  He's a musician and has his band over about once a week and if we listen closely we can hear them at night, I'm not gunna lie they're pretty good.
Looking at the picture its seems as though Hadley was not in a "chit-chat" mood but rather a "toss it and lets go" kinda mood.  =/

I can't wait for fall!!  Lots more baking and fun crafts!  I think I can feel it trying to make its way into Oklahoma.  Hopefully it does soon as we're getting back into 100* weather again.  =/

Thanks for checkin' in!!
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1 comment:

  1. I'm ready for fall too!! Where is Bentley Park? It looks really nice!


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