Monday, March 28, 2011

Med-School Tip Monday

SO tonight I was sitting here thinking there may be people out there who are currently going through med school with a significant other or who may be in the near future and thought this could be helpful. I am by NO means trying to say I know a whole lot about this, I'm only a first year but I have picked up a few things.

Today's Tip:
"Med Student Time"
I want to start by saying, Andrew does such a wonderful job making time to spend with Hadley and I and we both really appreciate the effort. However some good pointers to keep in mind when living with a med student:
  • Always expect them not to be able to go to things. This might sound bad, but just hear me out. Its so much more enjoyable when you think they won't be able to make it to something and then they end up being there, rather than planning on them being there and something else (studying) comes up and you're left feeling disappointed they missed it. And believe me they feel bad too.
  • Its a two way street!!! They spend a lot of time up at school studying and many times are so stressed and its a nice surprise to them too when you show up with lunch or a study break snack. Hadley and I have some other friends this semester that we go up with, but last semester we would go just the two of us every Wednesday and have lunch.
  • Remember this is only 4 years of the rest of your life. Again I know I'm only a year in and I pray I will still feel like this in year 4 but its true. I try to think of things that happened 4 years ago and they seem like just a short time ago.
  • Always, always, always make the most of the time you have!!! It comes few and far between so take advantage when its there. When Andrew first started he chose a day in which he didn't study outside of school and that is our family day. And although it doesn't always work out to where he can "take off from studying"(refer to #1) I love it and look forward to it every week!!
The first year of med school hasn't been a rough as I expected it to be and I think its because I had someone let me in on these helpful tips.

Thanks for checkin' in!!
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  1. Your wisdom is beyond your years! Sounds like you have much happiness in store for your marriage:) Andrew, Hadley, and you are in my thoughts and prayers continually ~ love, Aunt Lea Anne

  2. This sounds like wisdom in the farming wife world! I am getting better but I struggled for a while(I have to admit.) Thanks for sharing!


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