So wow!! You've already brought so much joy to our lives and now we're getting to share you with everyone!!!
"Lil' Bit coming January 2014!!!"
*Tuesday: April 23, 2013*
(3 weeks, 2 days)
I honestly had no reason to take a test besides curiosity.
I took it late afternoon checked at the 5 minute mark (you have to WAIT with the cheap tests) and just saw a little shadow. I was hopeful it would turn into something (but I'm hopeful a lot) and decided to leave it before throwing it away.
I started working on a project when your dad called saying he was on his way home. I got up and went to the bathroom and saw.... "the second line!"
I started yelling,
"OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS!! Andrew, you have to get home RIGHT NOW!!"
He was completely freaked out and I told him I had taken the test earlier and kind of forgotten about it and now there are TWO LINES!!!
(Not a great reveal, but I don't hide my excitement well.)
When he got home I was waiting at the door with the test in his face. WELCOME HOME!!
I immediately took 2 more.
![]() |
They're super faint but they are there. |
*Wednesday: April 24, 2013*
(3 weeks, 3 days)
I woke up and took 3 more. (You can never be too sure and I have like 40 of the cheap ones left.)
![]() |
Faint again, but still there. |
I called my doctor and she got me in for that day to have my labs done and had them back within 2 hours. Yeah, they're awesome!!!
HCG was 80 and progesterone was 29, which she said she liked to have around 15 at this point. (My HCG levels were good and I pretty much rocked out on the progesterone.)
*Friday: April 26, 2013*
(3 weeks, 5 days)
You gave me a scare yesterday but I napped for a while and took it easy the rest of the day.
Luckily I had more lab work today and it looked great. They didn't check my progesterone because it was so good the last time and my HCG was at 250. (Its supposed to double every other day, mine almost tripled, HOORAY!)
Your first ultrasound is set for May 10th. You'll still be pretty small, but I'm anxious to see you!
We headed to Searcy for the weekend so your big sister could see Disney Princesses on Ice with your Cece and cousin Addy.
When we got in that night we told your Cece and Pajee. We did it as an early Mother's Day gift.
This poem was in Cece's card (compliments of pinterest).
She also got this picture.
Her reaction was priceless and Pajee didn't have to guess too hard as to why she was so excited.
*I know it seems early to tell people, but we just wanted as many prayers going up for you as possible and just couldn't help ourselves.*
*Tuesday: April 30, 2013*
(4 weeks, 2 days)
It's been a week since we first found out about you and your momma may be a bit obsessive and crazy that I've taken several tests to make sure you're still in there and doing well.
A progression pic of the last week. I think you're growing. =)
FYI these tests are $15 for 50 on amazon. |
*Friday: May 3, 2013*
(4 weeks, 5 days)
Today we made our way to Rogers to tell your Mimi and Pap-pa. Mimi also got a Mother's Day gift with the poem and picture. So far everyone is BEYOND excited about your arrival this winter!!
*Friday: May 10, 2013*
(5 weeks, 5 days)
Today is picture day and boy am I glad it's in the morning and I don't have to stress about it all day.
We were all able to go as a family and your big sister was there with bells on.
We knew it was still early (you measured 5w 5d), so our expectations were really just to see your yolk sac. Well... we saw that, PLUS got to hear your sweet heartbeat (114 bpm). Your momma was in tears as soon as Dr. Martin turned the doppler on. God is good!
**Other exciting news! Because of the circumstances in our last pregnancy my doctor is giving us an ultrasound every 2 weeks until I'm out of my first trimester!! WOOHOO!**
*Sunday: May 12, 2013*
(6 weeks)
There's a good possibility I could be in maternity clothes a lot earlier with you than I was with your big sister. ;)
(Side Note: I had also eaten dinner right before this picture.)
*Friday: May 24, 2013*
(7 weeks, 5 days)
I'm loving the fact I get to peek in on you every two weeks. Today was our second ultrasound.
You're actually measuring a whopping 4 days bigger.
(8 weeks, 2 days)
*Daddy and I decided to change your week by week according to your last ultrasound. Which is why you'll see the days change.
*Wednesday: May 22, 2013*
(8 weeks)
I remember asking the nurse when I would start showing with your big sister because I was so excited to. People didn't start asking or really noticing until I was around the 21-22 week mark. I have a feeling it's going to much earlier this time around. =)
As the picture says announcements have been made. Here's a video of everyone's reactions that I made.
*Rights of this song, Pitty Pitty Patter, belong to Susan Raye.
It's hard to hear but Hadley is saying, "That little hole is a baby!"
*Wednesday: June 5, 2013*
(10 weeks)
*I will be devastated come September when my favorite Polar Ice stand closes for the season.
Since I'm still not feeling movement and I'm a crazy banana pants your daddy indulged me. We now own a fetal heart doppler that I can use whenever I want.
While I say I can't feel movement yet when I use the doppler I feel like anytime I have a little jolt in my belly and move it that way its pretty accurate. While I feel like using the doppler is like a game of hide n' seek we've managed to find you everytime.
*Wednesday: June 19, 2013*
(12 weeks)
*Friday: June 21, 2013*
(12 weeks, 2 days)
Ultrasound #3
*Tuesday: June 25, 2013*
We purchased an Intelligender pack and got a very obvious result. Although it is said to be 90% accurate I will not be leaking any info on Lil' Bits gender until we have our "gender ultrasound" (July 19th) and we make sure.
I know, I probably shouldn't have mentioned it but.... I did!! ;)
*Wednesday: June 26, 2013*
(13 weeks)
This was actually taken at 13w 2d. The bump is me atleast.
1 down 2 to go!!
Thanks for checkin' in!!

Love this post!
ReplyDeleteHow fun, Janelle! You're so creative with the pics of baby's details. So glad for your family! I'm guessing boy :)