Tuesday, April 24, 2012

America's Favorite Pastime

I'm going to start this post with a confession of how obsessed I am with the instagram app on my iphone, as you will see throughout this post.

Today, I kept The Hadster home from MDO because she was having some allergy issues and we were planning on having a family night at the ballpark (for $2 Tuesday) and wanted to make sure she got a nap.  We ran to Hobby Lobby for a bit to get some stuff for a shower I'm helping with tomorrow.  Then we spent the rest of the day just chillin' at the house.

Hadley literally spent 15 minutes outside just trying to "catch" butterflies and eat honeysuckle.  I love how much she enjoys being outside! 

While she did that I worked on a couple different projects.  One of which is finished so I'll share it with you.  This is the chair that goes with the vanity I did last week.

As I said earlier we went to a Drillers game tonight.  The boys took their last test today (other than finals) so they wanted to go to the game to celebrate.  When we got to the ballpark we saw the Owens so we did a little photo shoot while Andrew got our tickets.

Our family before heading in.

The Robins came to!!  So we got a picture of all the kiddos before they started running.

Hadley and the Driller thing, not really sure what he is.

We watched a little bit of the game.  =)

We had a little picnic...

..with some classic ballpark foods.

Miss Aubrey
and her momma

My friend Jessica put this picture of me and her sweet Hadley Joy on her blog and I just had to "borrow" it.  =)

All the girls, minus my Hadley.
God has richly blessed me with these 2 girls friendship throughout this med school period!
A sweet little moment with Jai and his daddy.  =)

Jai and Hadley had a blast playing together pretty much the entire game.

 My little monkey!

Oh and they had a splash pad, so of course Hadley HAD to partake.

Hadley came back to our blanket completely soaked (and freezing) so we left.  Sadly I didn't know there was going to be a splash pad so I had no clothes for her to change into.  Which means she rode home naked.  =/

Can't wait to go again, it was a BLAST!

Thanks for checkin' in!!
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