Thursday, August 4, 2011

Show Us Your Life {Blogging Tips}

*I'm linking up today with Kelly's Korner: Show Us Your Life*

#1- Get a blog (ha) and share it with friends. Put a link on your FB profile when you update so friends can see what you've been up to. Also, you can share by linking up and getting involved with other bloggers. {Case in point}
#2- Always post with pictures.
I'm kinda ADD when it comes to reading but when its broken up with pictures it helps me out a lot.
And I mean seriously lets think Biblically:
Matthew 7: 13- "So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you."
And I would want pictures. =)
#3- Remember its your blog so write for yourself just as much (if not more) as you write for other people. So don't worry if you feel like it might seem silly to other people, just blog it! On that note I love being able to look back on days and know exactly what I did with Hadley even if it was something as small as going to Wal-Mart. One day your kids are going to be big and you'll wonder what you used to think about/do when they were little.
#4- Do activities with your family and blog about it! During the school year I try to do a baking activity with my sweet little girl every Tuesday.
I also like to have a little recap on the week I call T.G.I.F. Favorites.
#5- And most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
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  1. Great tips! I love that you do weekly activities. We do them at my house too.

    I am now following you!

  2. I love how you said that you blog for yourself, and not other people :)

  3. Great tips!!! And I LOVE your blog design!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOO fun!


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